Tuesday, March 27, 2012

{train time}

As soon as I decided to go to school in LA I had been pining over taking the train home- 
at least once...

However, taking the train home is no small ordeal:
First, I have to get myself to Union Station {thank you Lauren!}

Then, it is a whopping 12 and a half hour train ride. 
yeah, a little more than half a day. 
Then, it's still an hour+ car ride from the train station to home.
I was crispy by the end of the day- but I loved every minute of it

I had a really nice window seat, where I got to look out the
 window all I wanted til the sun went down.
 My seat partner resembled the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. She was all in black, rather gruff and when I asked her where she was going she sighed- as if I was twisting her arm- and explained that she was on a long journey ending up in Copenhagen.... and that really she was a nomad and lived her life in airports. It was clear she didn't want to be chatty, which was fine by me 
{last time I took the train up to SB, I had a REALLY chatty older fellow....}

What on Earth did I do for 12.5 hrs?!?!?
I read, slept, readsomemore and sleptsomemore. 

I stayed in my cozy spot {the train provides pillowz... without an extra fee!!!} 
and  really only ventured out to the dining car- 
where I was seated at the "youngin'" table with two other college aged kids. 
The science nerds' opening line was: 
{he works at a biotech company developing cancer tests....} 
*glimmer in his eyes* 
"If you could choose two animals to combine to make your ideal ultimate pet, which ones would you choose??? I would choose a cat and a tiger.... so you would have a miniature tiger!"
{If you're wondering: I chose a mini lap-giraffe, but then 
discussed how we could engineer it so it wouldn't be super fragile.... 
yeah, two can play that game....} 

Anyway, I had the honor of seeing California- 
beautiful, beautiful California.