Wednesday, September 28, 2011

{our garden's golden ticket}

So, this summer we grew Golden Raspberries. 
And they were stunning. 

Also very, very yummy.
They disappeared as soon as they were picked. 
Like magic. 

Proof that these did in fact grow in our garden

André, my brother, did a stencil with gold paint the night before I took these photos and I loved having the Golden Raspberry on top of the gold paint splatter. 

What can I say? 
Life is just golden sometimes!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

{mr. blue sky}

Feeling blue.... not in a sad way, but in a very pleasant way.
The sun finally came out early today! 

Anyway, I was thinking about the song, Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra while basking in the sunshine and enjoying the blue sky. 
Then I began to think that I haven't posted photos of another color and I do fancy BLUE quite a bit.... 

Here are some fun photos that feature BLUE! 



A seaside village in Morocco

La Rochelle, France


Nurses Demonstrating (while in Scrubs)

Normandy, France


Musée Rodin

Teal Butterflies!!!
and Skulls

UCLA.... Under Construction Like Always

View from my house, there's snow on the tippy-top of the mountains

Chloe climbing up to Table Rock 

Seattle, Washington

This is where that nice older lady offered us help finding
Chloe's grandparents house when we got of the bus. She was so sweet. 

Volunteer Park Conservatory, Seattle

My mom took this photo :)
Sonoma County, California

Monday, September 26, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh My!

While we were cleaning out my grandmother's basement, 
I came across a box full of strange rubber creatures. 

They all have great personalities. 
Here are my favorites. 

They have been well loved. 

Hat off to you Ruby ♡

When my mom, brother and I went up to visit my grandmother in Spokane, Washington in July we went through my grandmother's basement. And look what we found! 

A whole stash of my great-great grandmother Ruby's vintage hats 
from the 1940's, 50's and 60's. 

They were amazing and my mom and I had a mini-photo shoot.
We had lots of fun that day reliving the past. 
Thanks Ruby!


There was also a huge collection of 1950's and 60's Vogue and Elle covers.
I will have to figure out what to do with them one day that 
serves them the artistic justice they deserve. 

But they are mighty fun to admire in the mean time.