Saturday, October 29, 2011

{the brilliant Burton at LACMA}

Tim Burton is brilliant, but we all sort of knew that....
Last night my friends and I went to LACMA {it was my first time!!} to see his exhibit before it closed, as it was its last weekend. 

The exhibit itself was amazing, from little sketches 
{one was even on a café napkin}
to large costumes and clay characters from his movies. 
The pieces in the exhibit ranged from his earlier works to more recent ventures and it was very interesting to see his progression of art form and subject matter through the years. 
"Where did he come up with all these ideas?" 
was a common question heared throughout the gallery. 

After the exhibit my friends and I played about the Lamp Posts installation 
and then we went to Sunset to eat in Carney's train car. 

This {the entrance} was the only photograph they let us take in the exhibit.

It was a pretty fantastic way to spend a friday night in L.A. 
if I do say so myself. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

{birthday greetings}

My dear friend Jean's birthday is next week 
and I decided to send her a 
little collaged card in the post. 

She is currently a Ph.D. candidate,
{if you can't tell, I am so impressed!}
specializing in viticulture and enology.
{Hence the focus on vineyards} 

She is an amazing person 
 I am incredibly happy to have her in my life.

Happy Birthday Girl!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

{snow globe-tasitic}

I have discovered snow-globe photo frames at Urban Outfitters 
and now all I want to do is make a trillion of them. 
(What homework?)

Not only are they super fun to make, but you can play with them! 

I made this one (my first one of hopefully many) for my dear friend because it was her birthday last week!

Happy Birthday Aubrey!

Yesser... there is a baby on a carrot in this globe...
it is the logo from CakeWrecks. 

Let it SNOW, let it SNOW, let it SNOW!

I put the flower background on the bottom of the globe as well, so
that when you looked down on it, you saw PINK!!